This is MM 5th oversea trip.
Let's recap:
13months she went to Sydney
17months she went to Tokyo
3 years old- went to Osaka
3 years old - went to Hong Kong
4 years old- went to Chengdu
Wow what an amazing adventure.
I am very terrible at organising pic in the blog so
tons of pics are uploaded. enjoy viewing.

Min can't get used to eating spicy food, lucky we brought some korean seaweed
so she eat it with rice.

The main trip to Chengdu is to look at the panda. However when we reached around 11am,
the panda had fallen asleeep and will only wake up around 2pm. We thought we will not get to
see the chance to see them in action. Lucky enough we manage to see some baby and the young
one in action. they are so cute. the one in the pic is sleeping.

Min is so tired walking in this big place so we request Win to move a little so that Min
can sit in and we can push the both of them. phew otherwise we have to take turn to
carry them.

we bought this for MM, she enjoys carrying it around and looking it.

A little hen made by sugar. It cost RMB20. It is so cute.

Daddy's girl!. She is so sweet with daddy around.