January is a month full of challenge for me.
I decided to take up the task to make a baby album for my cousin.
It was pretty tough as I need to make a total of 20 layouts.
No idea what is the name of the child and no pictures in the intial stage.
So this is what I done using the American Craft baby value set.
I decided not to decorate the cover otherwise it might be a little bulky so simple will be good enough.

In no particular order, these are 4 of the layouts that I had made for the baby.
Love the 'Our family' layout, pink and blue are my favourite combination.

Another 6 layouts shown here. Other than American Craft prodcuts,
I also used October Afternoon paper, die cut and chipboard. I find it so diffcult
just using AC products, so with a bit of colours from the OA, I find the layouts
more lively and cute.

These layouts below are done much earlier in January. Using the grids as layouts and the
masking tapes. A mixture of pink and blue and it is my first time trying out grey as a base.
Hope my cousin doesn't mind the pink layout for boy.

The last 4 layouts with baby photos which was taken 2 weeks back when I visited the little baby.
I kept taking pictures that I forgot to ask about the baby name. In total 20 layouts, it made me smile while flipping through the pages. Hope my cousin will journal on each page about the process of the baby and show it to me with cute photos of the baby.