What have Min Min done for this month?
Today she has attended a trial lesson at Little Neuro.
Thought that she would like it surprising she said it was a boring lesson because
The school has also organised an outing on 27 March.
She had went to watch" The Bear and Chicken went Camping"
Not much review from her. So i am not sure whether it is really a good show.
On 31March, one of Min's teacher is leaving, it is replaced by a chinese teacher by
the name of Miss How.
It seem like Min has a liking for this teacher.
Ms How knows Min very well such as holding her hand and paying attention
to her needs every now and then.
This might be something Min is looking out for.
We hope that as times goes by, she will not cry as much as she used to.
One more things, the teacher has informed us that she seldom takes her lunch.
When she came home around 5.30pm she will pester grandma to cook noodles
for her. As this has been going for quite some time so we are concern of her
In terms of conversation, I find that she has improved a lot.
she likes to add a lot of adjactive into her sentences, such as delicious bread,
naughty Win Win, ....blah blah blah....can't remember much.
During one of our conversations, I told her that I will be out of town for some time.
She asked me where I am going so I said 'Japan'. Her reply: Oh Japan, I have not
been there for a long time, I want to go too."
To me at times, she does talk like an adult.
Shall see how she develops in the coming months.
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