Shall not write too much in detail, in short we brought the children to
Anpanman land. MM and WW was amazed by the beautiful hairstyle of Kate
which she did it in Anpanman salon.
Both kept asking for it. They would like to have that kind of look and
didn't mind having a haircut.
within 40mins they were transformed to a cute lovely girl.
Oh I wish the previous Princess makeover, the hairstylist
would give them such a look.
So well pic below show how satisfield they are with their new look.
some interesting conversation that I recalled.
Both girls would like to keep this style till they are back in Singapore.
MM was so concerned about her style that she when she was sleeping in the
stroller she carefully put her two pony carefully so that it will remain curly.
MM cried when she woke up from the stroller, she was afraid that her cur will be gone.
Look how happy MM is when looking at the camera.
A pic of MM while the rollers are on her hair. She looked equally stunning isn't it?
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