Wednesday, August 22, 2012

let's count down...

Just another 8 more days, i will be taking a plane to somewhere far away. It is a new place to explore and discover. Cool weather, very greenery and good food!
This time i will like to bring my Smash and Instant Mini. I will try to pack light and take lots of pictures. Do you know where country ?
Not sure anyone will leave a comment, if anyone does and got it correct, yes I will give you a small present. Guessing entry will close on 30 August. So take sometime and make a guess.
One of the preparation is renew the passport for the two young one. We dressed the girls up and make
them stand behind the wall and started to click click click.
These 'passport' pictures are pretty entertaining especially K. It's so funny. I did ask her why she close her mouth and her reply is 'my dad asked me to'
This is pictures of W. I printed out one of this pic for scrapping and her reply is' this look sexy, i don't like it'. I was pretty alarmed by her remark. She was dressed in a ballerina dress and she looked so sweet.

Passports are ready for collection now. it's time to get ready for our road trip and adventure!

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